Early Career Scholarships

The Executive of the Spine Society is committed to making the Spine Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting accessible to early career participants. To honour this commitment, the SSA is offering Scholarships for Australasian (Australia / NZ) Early Career ASM attendees. A total of $10,000 is being made available for scholarship. Funding for the scholarships is supported by SSA membership fees and profits from previous conferences.

Owing to the postponement of the conference the deadline for Scholarship applications for SSA 2021 has now been extended. Please submit your application by Friday, 30 July 2021 at 11.59pm AEDT.

Scholarship Inclusions

Opportunity to participate in the leading conference on Spine related disorders in Australia and stay up to date with the latest industry products and services available. Applicants may apply to receive all or part funding for:

  • Registration for the SSA 2021 conference
  • Reimbursement for travel and accommodation

PLEASE NOTE :A funding maximum of $1,500 can be applied for, per individual.

Accommodation and travel for successful applicants must be arranged by the individual and sent to the Conference Secretariat for reimbursement.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to receive a conference scholarship for the SSA 2021 in Sydney, candidates must:

  • Fulfill one of the following eligibility criteria:
      Be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program, or
      Be currently enrolled in a masters by research, or a PhD, or
      Have been awarded a PhD within the previous five years where there has been significant career interruption for maternity or parental leave, carer's responsibility, illness, or
      Have been awarded a PhD within the previous eight years and not be employed in a senior role at a medical or research institution or university (e.g. Senior Lecturer)
  • Provide a written statement from their institution stating that other possible sources of funding have been applied for and institutional funding is not available (or state the funding that has been made available)
  • Ensure the Recommendation Form is submitted by their employer, supervisor or academic instructor
  • Complete the Application Form (Self-nomination Form) with signature – nominations by other parties will not be accepted
  • Agree to have their name published as a scholarship recipient in the conference app and on the SSA website
  • Agree to provide a written report (300 words) within 2 months of the conference on how their attendance at the conference has assisted in improving their knowledge, skills and service delivery


Priority is given to those applicants:

  • Who have submitted an abstract for consideration for an oral or poster presentation at the SSA 2021
  • Whose participation will help enhance their own knowledge, skills and service delivery
  • Who have a sound plan for disseminating and implementing the acquired knowledge

Application Procedure

  • Applicants are required to submit the following documents to ssa2021@dcconferences.com.au:
      Completed and signed Application Form
      Statement from employer or student body confirming other sources of funding have been applied for and no institutional funding is available
      Recommendation Form completed by an employer, supervisor or academic instructor
  • Applications will be reviewed by members of the SSA Executive, who will make a final list of recommended successful applicants to the SSA Executive
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by no later than August 2021
  • The decision of the review panel is final and no further discussions will be entered into

Important Dates

Registrations are open

SSA 2021 Virtual Conference

Friday 26 November -
Sunday 28 November 2021

Conference Secretariat

DC Conference & Association Management
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

PO Box 637
North Sydney NSW 2059

P  +61 2 9954 4400

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