***The Abstract Submission Portal is now CLOSED***
Deadline for submission: Friday 8 January 2021, 23.59 (AEST). Please ensure you have read the guidelines provided below to familiarise yourself the process and requirements.
Submitted abstracts must represent original work that has not been previously published. The Spine Society of Australia expect that the author will present the material and scientific data appearing in the submitted abstract, upon acceptance by the Scientific Committee. The data must not be modified or updated for the presentation without the prior written approval of the Scientific Secretary.
The Review Committee will select abstracts for either an oral podium presentation or a poster presentation (unless the author indicates a specific preference for a poster presentation only).
Abstracts must adhere to the following layout (using the template provided):
Provide a clear statement of the aims or purpose of the study.
Give a brief description of the study design, population or specimen preparation, data collection and processing.
Only data collected and processed prior to the abstract being submitted will be accepted. Important statistical results (such as confidence intervals, p- values or correlation coefficients) should be included.
What does the study show? Make simple statements that are supported by the evidence shown in your results.
*All presenters must register for a minimum of one day of the conference by the Early Bird Deadline for registration (1 March 2021) or the presentation will be withdrawn from the program.
For further information on the Spine Society of Australia Awards, click here.
On completing the abstract submission you will receive an Abstract ID number and details on how to complete the disclosure responsibilities, which MUST be completed by all authors associated with the paper by Friday 22 January 2021. Failure of any author to complete the declaration will result in the paper’s withdrawal from the program. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure that all co-authors have complied with the declaration requirements.
Follow the link for further information regarding Early Career Scholarships. Priority for Scholarships will be given to applicants who have submitted an abstract for consideration for an oral or poster presentation for the ASM. Scholarship applications close midnight AEDT Friday 30 July 2021 (deadline extended).
For any enquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat via email: ssa2021@dcconferences.com.au or phone: +61 2 9954 4400.
Registrations are open
SSA 2021 Virtual Conference
Friday 26 November -
Sunday 28 November 2021
DC Conference & Association Management
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
PO Box 637
North Sydney NSW 2059
P +61 2 9954 4400
E ssa2021@dcconferences.com.au
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