Call for Abstracts

Already submitted your abstract for 2021 and have just learned the conference has converted to a virtual format?
Please know if you have submitted an abstract, you will be shorlty notified of the outcome. Should your submission be accepted, it will be included in the program for the rescheduled conference.

***The abstract submission site is now CLOSED***

The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) invites the submission of abstracts on original work. Abstracts can be submitted for consideration for an oral or a poster presentation. You will be asked to identify all co-authors, but the presenting author should submit the abstract. Presenting authors must be paid registrants at the Meeting. All abstracts must be submitted online via the Conference website using the online abstract submission portal.

Before submitting an abstract please read the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES

Important Dates

Registrations are open

SSA 2021 Virtual Conference

Friday 26 November -
Sunday 28 November 2021

Conference Secretariat

DC Conference & Association Management
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

PO Box 637
North Sydney NSW 2059

P  +61 2 9954 4400

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