Sponsorship and Exhibition

Don't miss your chance to be an NNEC 2023 Sponsor or Exhibitor!

The Australian Nurse Teachers' Society (ANTS) invites companies and organisations interested in networking with nurse and midwifery educators, clinicians, and managers to attend the National Nurse Education Conference 2023.

We are expecting 250-350  delegates to attend the Conference and the organising committee have ensured there is ample time and opportunity for the sponsors and exhibitors to network with the delegates.We do hope you can join us on the Gold Coast. 

Professional disciplines of ANTS members include:

Professor                         Nursing Director
Course CoordinatorNurse Educator
Lecturer / TutorClinical Nurse Educator
Clinical Facilitator
Nurse with educator portfolio

Your return on investment includes:

  • Showcasing your organisation as a key partner and supporter of the Australian Nurse Teachers' Society 
  • Increasing your market share & brand recognition via exposure to a captive audience of rehabilitation specialists
  • Direct access to delegates interested in updating their knowledge of industry product and services
  • Recognition as an industry leader for contributing to industry knowledge, training and networking
  • A live research gathering opportunity to discuss feedback on your brand, products, marketing material and competitors with current and potential clients
  • Close collaboration with the committee to ensure maximum benefit from your investment in the Conference
  • Demonstrate your corporate social responsibility by supporting the development of nursing and midwifery leadership skills to enhance health care outcomes for the Australian community

The exhibition will be staged in the Sea World Resort Conference Centre.

All catering including morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be served within the exhibition space and the Welcome Reception will be held there on the evening of Wednesday, 7 June 2023. 

The exhibition hall layout provides maximum visibility and efficient traffic flow so that delegates can easily visit all booths. Catering stations are strategically placed through the space to encourage delegates to move throughout the expo during breaks. 

Conference Secretariat

DC Conference & Association Management
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

PO Box 637
North Sydney NSW 2059

Contact us 

T: +61 2 9954 4400
E: nnecconf@dcconferences.com.au

© Copyright 2023 DC Conference & Association Management