The NSANZ Cadaver Workshop organisers are focused on ensuring the health and wellbeing of all attendees at the workshop. The following outlines the measures in place to ensure the highest level of care and safety for all those attending.

These protocols will undergo regular review and will be updated in line with Government recommendations.

Before attending the Workshop

All attendees are required to monitor their own health and wellbeing. If you are feeling unwell, have been in a hot spot, have been in close contact of a confirmed case in the last 14 days, or have the slightest of symptoms, you are required not to attend the workshop and is recommended to visit a COVID testing centre. 

If you are unable to attend the workshop due to testing and quarantine requirements, you will be required to provide a medical certificate to be considered for a refund of the registration cost.

Onsite at the Workshop

Once onsite, the following measures will be in place:

  • The workshop lecture and breakout spaces will adhere to the requirement of 1 person per 2m².
  • Hand sanitisers readily available throughout the venue including in the exhibition and session rooms.
  • Catering will be be served in individually boxed serves.
  • Attendee numbers are being monitored and limited based on the existing regulations. 
  • Attendees will be required to ‘Check-In’ onsite for the duration of the meeting for contact tracing.

Cleaning & Sanitisation 

The workshop venue will be ensuring regular cleaning and sanitisation of frequently touched surfaces and high-traffic areas such as door handles, and public restrooms. 

Temperature & Wellbeing Checks

Guests and colleagues may be required to have a body temperature check upon arrival. During Check-In, guests will be asked if they are feeling well or showing any signs of illness. Anyone with a fever above 38°C or who is experiencing any symptoms will be advised to visit a doctor immediately and will be refused entry. 

Hand Hygiene

Good hand hygiene is one of the most important steps individuals can take to protect themselves. Hand sanitiser dispensers will be provided throughout the venue. Attendees are encouraged to use the hand sanitiser and to wash their hands regularly to ensure good hand hygiene is maintained.


All Cadaver Workshop attendees are recommended to wear a mask on arrival and during the didactic lectures.  

Hands-on Cadaver Lab

During the hands-on portion of the cadaver workshop full PPE will be required and provided by the organisers.

Workshop Catering

Workshop catering will be provided in individually packed portions.

Useful Links



Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns in regard to the workshop please do not hesitate to contact the Workshop Secretariat at nsanzcw2021@dcconferences.com.au or on +02 9954 44400.

DC Conference & Association Management is a registered COVID Safe Business

DC Conference & Association Management

    Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street       

North Sydney NSW 2060

PO Box 637 North Sydney NSW 2059