"It was a fantastic conference in a beautiful location thank you and congratulations to thePRECI committee."
"Make it yearly! More workshops and key notes, less short 15 minute presentations. Thankyou for an amazing conference!."
"Thanks to all of those on the committee for their role in organising the conference and anespecially big thanks to Denise. It is enormously pleasing that we have an effective peakbody again."
"It was one of the best conferences that I've ever attended in terms of the key note speakers(ML, MBB, PSnyder), networking and the vibe of the conference."
"Thank you for the opportunity to hear from such a fantastic range of speakers in the field aswell as present, and I really look forward to continuing to 'ride the wave'."
"Thank you for an excellent conference. I really admire the work of the board in gatheringgreat people together to share their passion for early childhood intervention. I look forward toyour continued success and look forward to future opportunities to support the work you aredoing."
"Many thanks for all the work of the volunteers from PRECI for all your hard work andcommitment to creating this event and community."
"Thanks for a great conference. May there be many more!."
"Thank you for a well organised conference with very valuable content and conversationsaround Early Childhood Intervention."
"I loved it - great to have this forum to drive the early intervention space forward."
"The mix of types of presentations was very valuable. I was grateful for the opportunity to share what our organisation is doing that is innovative. I would definitely be interested in attending and presenting at the next one."
"I realised how starved i was for ECI research input."
"I am very impressed by PRECI 2022 and I hope to get an opportunity to take part in the next PRECI conference."
"Well done! Excellent speakers especially for key notes, well organised and thought out, well run and thoroughly enjoyed."
"So lovely to have what was almost an old fashioned early intervention conference. Refreshing to hear what we know is best practice in the foreground-in contrast to the medical model NDIS has thrown us back to."
"The program was excellent with topics relevant to the current ECI climate. John Forster’s keynote session was exceptional. Great to finish with his professional knowledge and insight. It was so good to have the opportunity to join this wonderful event. Thanks to the committee and event organisers."
"It was great and reasonably priced."
"Great! Perfect for where things are at in the world but Looking forward to in person!"
For further information, please contact the Conference Secretariat:
Suite 103. Level 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia
PO Box 637, North Sydney 2059
P: +612 9954 4400 E: preci@dccam.com.au