
Hyatt Regency Sydney

161 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
Check in: 3:00pm - Check out: 11:00am
Room TypeCity View KingHarbour View King
Room RateAUD$270.00AUD$310.00
Wi-FiIncluded in both room rates.
BreakfastBreakfast is available at The Sailmaker, where continental and full buffet breakfast are served.
The full buffet breakfast is priced at AUD$29.00 per person.
Terms & ConditionsGuests will incur 100% cancellation charges for any rooms cancelled after Wednesday 12 June 2019.
No shows on the day of arrival will have the entire period of stay charged to the individual’s credit card.

To book, please email Group Reservations - 
Mention the below in order to get the special rate: Group Name:
FUS/PPCS Conference
Block Code Reference: SB3

68 Harbour Street, Darling Harbour NSW 2000
Check in: 2:00pm - Check out: 11:00am
Room TypeSuperior King Room
Triple Room
Room RateAUD$199.00
Wi-FiIncluded in both room rates.
BreakfastFull buffet breakfast is $20.00 per person, per day at Shipley's Restaurant, from 6:30am - 10:00am daily.
Distance from
Conference Venue
15 minute walk to Hyatt Regency.
Terms & ConditionsAll guests are required to leave an AUD$50.00 per night bond/pre-authorisation upon check-in.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations and changes must be made through the hotels directly.

Unauthorised Accommodation
Please be vigilant if approached by any company or service other than  FUS & PPCS 2019 or DC Conferences that implies or claims to be an official accommodation provider of  FUS & PPCS 2019. We have been made aware of other companies or travel agencies that may be aggressively pursuing you, or your company, to book your guest rooms through their company at supposedly significant discounts. Reservations made through these agencies or companies will be at your own risk. If you are contacted by one of these pirate companies, please notify the  FUS & PPCS 2019 Conference Secretariat immediately at

Conference Secretariat

DC Conferences Pty Ltd
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street, 
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
PO Box 637, North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia

P: +61 2 9954 4400
F: +61 2 9954 0666

© Copyright 2019 DC Conferences