Convenor and presenter of stroke rehab and pain medicine sessions
A/Prof Faux is Director of Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney. He has been chairman of the NSW Branch Education Sub Committee and a member of the Faculty’s Education and Training committee. He has undertaken research in the use of simulated patients in undergraduate exams, assisted in the introduction of simulated patients for undergraduate medical exams at UNSW and developed the calibration exercises for supervisors of rehabilitation medicine trainees in long case assessment. As a current supervisor, he has set a number of practice OSCE’s but has never held a position on the court of examiners, nor is he an examiner for the Faculty. He has a number of research interests in the area of Stroke Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine. Last year’s examination preparation course proved to be highly rated by attending candidates.Examination preparation
A trained sports and organisational psychologist who has worked in the Rehabilitation Medicine and Spinal Medicine Departments for several years will assist in managing nerves and maximising performance.Conflict of Interest
No teacher in the course will be an examiner of the Clinical Fellowship exam in 2017.For further information please contact the OSCE 2017 Conference Secretariat
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia | PO Box 637 North Sydney 2059
P: 61 2 9954 4400 | E: osce2017@dcconferences.com.au | https://dcconferences.eventsair.com/osce2017/cs