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PLENARY: Blood and Bones: It's Time to Iron it Out

Friday, October 27, 2017
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Golden Ballroom


Agenda Item Image
Ms Angie Monk
PBM Clinical Nurse
Joondalup Health Campus

Blood and Bones: It's Time to Iron it Out


Ms Angie Monk is the Patient Blood Management (PBM) Clinical Nurse Consultant at Joondalup Health Campus. Angie was the first PBM Clinical Nurse Consultant in Australia to successfully implement a program driven by the ‘three pillars of patient blood management’ at a private hospital. This comprehensive program involves screening at-risk patients and preparing them prior to surgery to reduce their risk of needing a blood transfusion. Providing ROTEM (Thromboelestrometry) technology to rapidly reverse coagulopathy using targeted therapy in critically bleeding patients. Her extensive work in patient blood management and safety was formally recognised when she was awarded the 2016 ‘HESTA Australian Nurse of the Year’ award

For further information please contact the ANZONA 2017 Conference Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia | PO Box 637, North Sydney 2059
P 612 9954 4400 | F 612 9954 0666 | E anzona2017@dcconferences.com.au
