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KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Striving for Excellence

Friday, October 27, 2017
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Golden Ballroom


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Professor Fiona Wood
Burns Service of Western Australia

Striving for Excellence


Fiona Wood has been a burns surgeon and researcher for the past 20 years and is Director of the Burns Service of Western Australia (BSWA). She is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, co-founder of the first skin cell laboratory in WA, Professor in the School of Surgery at The University of Western Australia, and co-founder of the Fiona Wood Foundation. Professor Wood’s greatest contribution and enduring legacy is her work pioneering the innovative ‘spray-on skin’ technique (Recell), which greatly reduces permanent scarring in burns victims. Fiona was named a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2003. In 2005 she won the Western Australia Citizen of the Year award for her contribution to Medicine in the field of burns research. That same year her contribution to burns care was recognised through Australia’s highest accolade when she was named Australian of the Year for 2005. Fiona is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science. Fiona is married to fellow surgeon Tony Kierath and is mother to four boys and two girls.

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