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We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of RMSANZ to participate in a stimulating, supportive and collegial society that is dedicated to promoting the growth and welfare of Rehabilitation Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians in Australia and New Zealand.
Networking: Join a Branch or Special Interest Group of RMSANZ to network with colleagues and be involved in clinical and professional activities.
Members Online: The Members Portal provides latest news, information about previous presentations and meetings, newsletters, policy statements, links and other resources and the company constitution.
Professional Activity: You are joining with your professional colleagues to maintain a strong specialty, with appropriate recognition and benefits for all Rehabilitation Physicians and their patients.
Advocacy: The RMSANZ will be your professional advocate at a national level and can make submissions to various national government and other bodies on your behalf.
Discounts for RMSANZ meetings: Attend RMSANZ events, both social and professional including the Annual Scientific Meeting at a discounted rate.
The RMSANZ provides a targeted, responsive and dynamic professional association for all Rehabilitation Physicians and Trainees.
It is still necessary for Rehabilitation Physicians to belong to the RACP / AFRM.
1. Ordinary Members: Rehabilitation Physicians with the qualification FAFRM are eligible for full membership to RMSANZ with full voting privileges.
2. Trainee Members: AFRM vocational trainees are also eligible for full membership to RMSANZ with full voting privileges.
3. Retired Members: AFRM Fellows and RMSANZ Members who have completely retired from active clinical practice are eligible for retired membership and they retain voting privileges.
4. Associate Members: The RMSANZ Board can resolve to admit to Associate Membership a registered Health Care Professional practicing in the field of Rehabilitation Medicine or in an associated field of Medicine or Health Care. Associate Members cannot vote at the General Meeting of the Society. Potential applicants should read the Rules for Associate Membership to RMSANZ (Last updated August 2017) before applying.
5. The RMSANZ Board can also admit to Honorary Membership a person who is of national or international eminence in Rehabilitation Medicine or who has rendered exceptional services to RMSANZ or to the science or practice of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Membership is valid from 1 July until 30 June.
If you are a new member and join the society after 1 March you will receive up to three months complimentary membership.
Renewals and new membership AFRM Fellows - $462, Trainees - $121
Late fees apply for membership renewals paid after 1 September: AFRM Fellows - $517, Trainees - $132
Associate Members join for $220.
Retired AFRM fellows join for free.
* All membership inclusive of GST