Module Two Examination Preparation Intensive Course in Rehabilitation Medicine

Expressions of interest are sought from rehabilitation trainees who have completed 1-2 years rehabilitation training to participate in an intensive OSCE (objective structured clinical) course.

Consultants in general medicine cardiology orthopaedic surgery neurology etc will present examination techniques and be on hand for advice on how to illicit signs and develop differential diagnoses and first line treatments for stroke, heart failure, joint pain etc.

The two-day course will be held from Friday 26th – Saturday 27th April 2019 at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, and conducted by Associate Professor Steven Faux and AFRM Fellows.

The course will focus on preparing the trainee for success in the Module 2 AFRM Examinations in:

• examination techniques and skills

• critical thinking under pressure

• focused physical examination techniques

• managing exam nerves. 

The course is not a replacement for reading, studying or reinforcing information but rather concentrates on using that information for critical thinking problem solving and passing the Module 2 examinations. Consultants in general medicine cardiology orthopaedic surgery neurology etc will present examination techniques and be on hand for advice on how to illicit signs and develop differential diagnoses and first line treatments for stroke, heart failure, joint pain etc.

Save The Date!

Please click on the flyer below to download your copy.


For further information please contact the OSCE 2019 Course Secretariat
Suite 103, Level 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia | PO Box 637, North Sydney 2059
P: 61 2 9954 4400 | E: