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11E: Integrated planning (Workshop)

Track 5
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Room 106


Chaired by Shane Rendalls, Johnstaff Advisory Pty Ltd


Agenda Item Image
Mr Shane Rendalls
Johnstaff Advisory Pty Ltd

236 Integrated planning


(90 minutes)

The array of tools and approaches that can support integrated service planning can be daunting to individuals when first tasked with service planning or managing the planning process. A constraint of engaging an external facilitator may be to commission an expert in one approach that misses key components for effective service delivery. For example, an expert in facilitation of co-design and stakeholder engagement may omit testing the evidence base of options considered or incorporating measurable outcomes into the project design.
As an outcome of the workshop, participants will gain a familiarity and overview of a range of tools and approaches that can be incorporated into codesign, a checklist of items to consider in the planning process and links to further information and resources for independent study. It will be of value to participants both leading the planning process and scoping the engagement of external facilitators.
A summary of key workshop components and tools covered in each component are detailed below. We will invite prospective participants in the workshop to nominate an issue as the focal point for discussions and worked examples.
Presentation materials will then be customised around one of the issues identified and provided in slide handouts and online distribution. This will provide practical take outs for participants and conference attendees.

Introduction - Introduction of participants, Key learning, objectives, Example project = 10 mins

Program Logic - Overview of program logic using a worked example = 10 mins

Assessing the evidence base - Literature review, Expert stakeholders = 10 mins

Collective Impact - Overview of collective impact approach, key components and enablers = 15 mins

Measuring activity and outcomes - SMART Goals, Measuring individual and community impact, Identifying data sources and baselines = 15 mins

Co-design - Stakeholder engagement plan, Workshop techniques, Principles of LEAN (11) and pathway mapping, Governance and Risk SWOT analysis = 15 mins

Questions - Recap and questions = 15 mins

1. WAGovt. Logic Model Develeopment Guide. In: Australia PEW, editor.: West Australian Government; 2014.
2. NSWHealth. Developing and Using Program Logic: A Guide. In: Depratment of Health N, editor. Sydney.
3. MonashUniversity. Introduction to literature reviews. Melbourne: Monash University; [cited 2019 28 June]. Available from: https://www.monash.edu/rlo/graduate-research-writing/write-the-thesis/introduction-literature-reviews.
4. Salignac F, Wilcox T, Marjolin A, Adams S. Understanding Collective Impact in Australia: A new approach to interorganizational collaboration. Australian Journal of Management. 2018;43(1):91-110.
5. Gwynne K, Irving MJ, McCowen D, Rambaldini B, Skinner J, Naoum S, et al. Developing a Sustainable Model of Oral Health Care for Disadvantaged Aboriginal People Living in Rural and Remote Communities in NSW, Using Collective Impact Methodology. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved. 2016;27(1A):46.
6. Wang L. Abandon Your SMART Goals: 6 reasons why SMART goal-setting does not work. Personal Excellence Essentials. 2017.
7. Macleod L. Making SMART Goals Smarter. Physician Executive. 2012;38(2):68-70, 2.
8. NCOSS. Principles of Co-design. Sydney; 2017.
9. Mason SE, Nicolay CR, Darzi A. The use of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies in surgery: A systematic review. Surgeon. 2015;13.


Shane Rendalls Shane has worked with government and the private sector to develop new initiatives, implement change and realise business efficiencies. He has led government and business projects at a national and state-wide level in the areas of program evaluation, strategy and planning, business case development, contestability, change management, revenue optimisation, financial improvement, outcome reporting and policy development. Intrinsic to these undertakings is Shane’s detailed understanding of public health and human services policy; strategic planning and funding within a whole of government framework. With a social work background, Shane is highly skilled in working with vulnerable communities, individuals and groups. Nataliya Daniel Nataliya is a health service and facility consultant with an oncology research background and tertiary qualifications in advanced science. She has facilitated consultation with community, consumers, and staff for the planning and evaluation of services, development of models of care and translation of clinical into spatial requirements. As a passionate visual communicator, Nataliya has translated scientific findings into published visual summaries, and engaged audiences with minimal to expert levels of scientific literacy.